😷 Since the pandemic we have rushed to pull together wellness resources for our people. Some employers created specialty websites with links to fancy articles, hired wellness staff, or beefed up their EAP workshops. We continue to want our people to be aware of available resources that support their mental health and well-being. I think
Here’s one BIG mistake I’ve seen my clients make when it comes to getting a job they enjoy and increasing their income… 😓 They just want a more effective resume and that’s it. I get it. They have an acute need for a job and want to focus on their resume. A resume is it
Your resume itself is not a legally binding document. This means you can put whatever you want on it. Yes, you can lie on your resume and it’s unlikely you’d ever be criminally prosecuted. There could certainly be other repercussions from lying or exaggerating on your resume such as getting fired, being embarrassed, and forfeiting