The Spirit of Working Smarter and Not Harder

  • Posted on Nov 17, 2023

I enjoy preaching in front of a live audience. I enjoy teaching. As a child, my parents put me in activities that required me to be on stage, talk and perform. Those childhood experiences internalized skills that help me to this day.

Once such activity including being a “Pageant Girl” while in elementary school. This included preparing for and sitting down for required interviews with pageant staff where we were asked questions such as What do you like to do? Why? How will you change the world? etc. etc. I remember the strict rule that for these interviews, we were not permitted to wear any nail polish color except clear or translucent pink. I remember the interviewers being kind and curious. Having to self-reflect on a deep level at such a young age was a profound experience.   

I practiced routines, learned work ethic, and internalized when it’s showtime versus playtime. I experienced how beneficial it was to have a team of support around me. I learned that I didn’t win my trophies by myself.

My mother taught me to twirl the baton (she was a majorette in high school). My father got his friends to sponsor my pageant book photo ops, and my Aunt Shirley measured and created my unique dresses by hand. My nanny helped me practice my spoken word stories about the “three little horses” I had created for some of my performances. I learned that having this trusted team who had my best interest at heart enabled me to work smarter and not harder.

By the time I ‘retired’ I had 8 trophies and a couple won trips to Disneyland under by belt. I had more fun than hard times. At this tender age, I began to learn how to handle jealously from fellow competitors. I received my first bitter taste of racism.  I learned how to win and lose with grace. My parents supported my desire to stop after it wasn’t fun anymore as my interest shifted.

As an adult, I still get butterflies before giving theme talks, teaching, or facilitating meetings for clients. I still get that tight feeling in my gut right before speaking to a college class I’m teaching or when guest preaching in front of a congregation. The thing is, I learned how to befriend my butterflies and move through it and into my ‘flow state’.

As much as I enjoy live speaking, I will always 100% continue to incorporate pre-recorded automated experiences for my audiences. It’s such a work smarter and not harder, no-brainer.

For example, I’m booked to speak this Sunday in Oregon, but I won’t be there in person. At the time I’m speaking, I’ll be home with my family enjoying time together.  

To prepare for my remote, pre-recorded speaking gig, I sent a link of my recording and my resources sheet for my client. It included theme resources, my bio, photo, music suggestions and more so they can use it to create a meaningful experience. I made this sheet once and have perhaps updated it slightly twice. One-time effort for practically limitless reward.

One of the biggest things that have helped me is shifting to the working smarter and not harder mindset. Some people in my DMs comment how is it I can do ‘everything, all the time’ or have ‘so many things’ going on.

When you can’t grasp the spirit of working smarter and not harder, it will always be beyond ones understanding. For me, working smarter is about leveraging, visualizing, and planning. If you don’t have time to prioritize that before working, you are more likely to be a hamster on a wheel, using a lot of energy but not getting to far.

This is one reason why I’ve created my Get A Remote Job Blueprint. It’s an online course that once I record my curriculum, will work without me and on-demand. I will be fully present at the live monthly Q+A call and of course my Facebook group where folks can get their questions answered. Its high value for my remote job seeking folks and smooth sailing for me. Frees me up to explore more ways to help more people and live my dream work lifestyle.

On Fridays like this when I’m reflecting on my week and how I might continue to leverage, visualize, and plan – I think about where it all started, as a little girl.

I am forever grateful to have been surrounded by so much love and positive energy at a young age. The deep impact of that love and energy continues to be a blessing. As an adult, it’s still in my heart and spirit.

Each week, I just want to touch others with it. Even if it’s just a little bit. My programs and services are one of the ways I share how to leverage positivity and work smarter and not harder. We need more love and positive energy in this world.

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#WorkLife #WorkFromHome #RemoteWork #loveremotefreedom

#remotejobs #RemoteWorkTips #leadership #humanresources #empathyatwork


💜 𝗜 𝗮𝗺 𝗘𝗯𝗼𝗻𝘆 𝗖. 𝗣𝗲𝗮𝗰𝗲

🔑 Providing HR consulting, podcast + special event speaking, facilitation, training, and heart-centered outplacement services for progressive nonprofits, liberal higherEd, and inclusive federal agencies.

★ Helping LGBTQ+ and BIPOC folks leverage their career for joy and financial freedom via my #lovecareerfreedom and #loveremotefreedom career consulting programs

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