Fridays: The Start of the New Work Week

  • Posted on May 11, 2018

Some people LOVE Fridays because it signals the end of a week. The beginning of a couple of days to relax and have a good time…AKA the weekend! Guess what? For people like me, and millions of others out there, that’s just not the case anymore. Between side-hustles and the gig economy, many people are working harder on the weekends than they ever did during their 9-5.

Why should this matter to you? Oh, let me count the ways:

1.      If you have a Business2Business type of company, don’t ignore this huge potential client base. This ever growing audience of hustlers and gig workers may be just the type of audience to propel your own business forward. Consider understanding their needs and reach out to them.

2.      Are you a member of the gig-economy yourself? A Freelancer? Someone running their own business? Or maybe you know someone who’s ‘doing their own thing’ while still working a full-time job? Make a point to take care of yourself and tell your fellow side-hustler friend to do the same. When you work full time and add another thing on top of that, when do you rest? How can you best the best you, when you’re running on empty? The weekends will be for work, but take advantage of any paid time off or holidays your day job may provide. Instead of using those days to work more on your hustle, use them for rest. You’ll be amazed at how much more productive and creative you can be when you’re well-rested.

I must admit that when I worked a 9-5 in addition to my career coaching and resume service hustle ( where I helped people enjoy freedom and success by their own standards, this was one of the hardest things to do. I couldn’t help it! I always saw a day off from my 9-5 as another opportunity to work on my side-gig. The more you work, the better, right? Wrong. I saw my success skyrocket once I decided that unless I had to take a day of leave to teach a seminar that required a full-day off, any paid holidays I had, would be just that. Paid holidays to relax and recharge.

3.      Be honest with yourself about what you really have going on. When I coach my clients at Eidolon Career Solutions on how to have successful and profitable gigs and hustles, half the time what they’re describing to me actually isn’t a business; it’s a hobby. You’ll be amazed at the freedom and relief that can result from making the conscious decision to stop running a failing business and instead build a fulfilling hobby. Stop fooling yourself.

4.      If you truly are committed to a bonafide business though, then it’s up to you to have the business mind-set. For example, if you aren’t willing or able to step out of your comfort zone and sell (no, it’s not a dirty word!) your awesome services or products for a price that’s going to allow your business to prosper and for everything to actually be worth it, then this is an internal personal issue that needs to be addressed first.

5.      Starting your gig work on Fridays can have its cons. Although it’s a relief for many to finally be done with the “job that’s paying the bills” to get on to more fulfilling work, it can be especially difficult if you’ve just come from a tough, draining week. When you’re deep in a hole and surround by a bunch of crap from the previous week, it’s hard to see beyond that. Visioning is one of my favorite ways to get out of this funk.

For example, when we’re overcome with negativity, fear, and rejection, circling back to the “Why” through Visioning can be a life-saver. Why are you pursuing the success of your own business? Did you pursue your freelance gig business because you wanted to do more work that you actual enjoy? Have more freedom with a flexible schedule? The opportunity for more money? Whatever it is, focus on that. Look at that. Use it as your rope to pull you out of the crap of today so you can be motivated and inspired by the power of your tomorrow. What will the end look like when your business is growing and you’ve achieved your goals? How will that feel? Close your eyes and feel the joy. Feel it. Use that power to get you out of your rut. Then set your eyes on that prize. Take the steps today to get closer to where you will be when all is said and done.

In short, whether you’re hustling for more money, more passion, or more control over your life, don’t forget to actually live. Live your life, don’t merely exist. Just as you’re deliberate about making your side-hustle work or your hobby exciting, its worth it to be deliberate about taking care of yourself too. The best thing you can do to reach your goals, whatever they may be – is by taking care of and being honest with yourself. Your life will thank you.

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★ Helping LGBTQ+, Black, Asian, Latino, Native, female, non-binary, and folks who work in unconventional careers (where they experience stigma), leverage their career for joy and financial freedom via #lovecareerfreedom and #loveremotefreedom career consulting programs

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